Saturday, January 11, 2014


Ideas. So many to count. We daydream ideas while going through our days to laying bed at night. I have some long term ideas, One being, Books. I have ideas for storybooks and coffee table books. My dad is already on his 3rd book. The first two were Westerns, and the newer one is a little different. My dad is an artist in his own right as well. He was able to make a living at architecture. He figured one of us kids would adopt the art lifestyle, which has been, me. May not be making a living, but I guess I got my talent from his side. My mom, on the other hand, is more of a quilter.  She's helped me in making my own wall hanging quilts, but I don't do the major stitching. She never thinks she is good enough as some she sees at quilt shows, but dad and I always tell her "she is"!

...anys back to ideas. Someone recently asked me if I ever had drawn a "buffalo." Which, I responded, No, I haven't, but I can? You think from my early childhood, buffalo would of been a typical animal for me to draw, but I haven't. I've drawn porpoises, bears, wildcats, small animals, deer, mtn sheep, but growing up in Alaska and Wyoming, no buffalo came to paper, and they roam in the roads at Yellowstone! So, last night, I began a buffalo. When I get more into the drawing, I'll post it. Unusual body proportions so I'll have to use my 11x14.

I also have an idea for a Moose. Now, yes, Moose all over Alaska. LOL Need to draw a MOOSE. No, not Marty Moose. ;)

Peace to the Peoples.. until then.

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